Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011...

This is the first Mother's Day that Rio has not been here to celebrate with me since we have had Magnus...he did send me some beautiful roses and a card which says: "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother" - melted my heart!

I feel so fortunate and incredibly lucky to be a mother. I have three beautiful, wonderful and loving children and they mean the world to me. I love them so much and although parenthood can be a challenge - they make me want to be a better person.

This year's Mother's Day is extra special as I once again am carrying something very special below my hearth. Being a surrogate provides a unique opportunity to bring motherhood to another person and that is such a privilege. I will always carry these children in my heart and am sure that this day will always bring fond reminders of a very special time in my life.

M - I wish you a lovely day with Violet ... she is such a cutie pie!
L - I wish you a restful day with your mother and your children ... next year for sure will be a lot busier for you all!

For my mom - Jeg elsker dig!! Haaber du har harft en fantastisk god dag. Knus!

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