Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Below 130...

Ok it was not much below but my scale did read 129.2 this morning after my oatmeal!!!  Yes ... I will take the small victories as they come along.  Right now reaching for the low hanging fruit is ok!  Using the abglider daily (confession - I did skip yesterday but promise I will make a double go of it today!) is definitely helping.  I can feel my stomach muscles are tightening up under the loose belly skin.  While I do realize that I will never have a bikini belly again, getting in a size 4 jeans this morning did put a smile on my face!

I am choosing to put a smile on my face today.  I know everything will turn out just right in the long run ... I know that my faith will sustain me.  A small set back from school right now will not derail my overall goals ... but it will allow me to focus on a few other tasks at hand. off to organize my photos and work on those dusty scrapbooks so I can at least get them organized before I have to move them yet again!

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